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AASHTO T59-13 pdf free download

AASHTO T59-13 pdf free download.Emulsified Asphalts.
4.2. SignifIcance and Use:
4.2.1. This test method measures the amount of water present in the emulsified asphalt, as distinguished from either asphalt material or petroleum solvent.
4.3. Apparatus and Materials:
4.3.1. Metal Distillation Pot—The metal distillation pot [Figure 1(a)] shall be a vertical cylindrical vessel, preferably made of copper, having a faced flange at the top to which the head is tightly attached by means of a clamp. The head shall be made of metal, preferably brass or copper, and shall be provided with a tubulation 25.4 mm (I in.) in inside diameter.
4.3.2. Glass Distillation Pot—The glass distillation pot [Figure 1(b)] shall be a short-neck, round-bottom flask, made of well-annealed glass, and having an approximate capacity of 500 rnL.
4.3.3. Heat Source—The heat source used with the metal distillation pot shall be a ring gas burner of
100-mm (4-in.) inside diameter or an electric mantle heater. The heat source for the glass distillation pot shall be either an ordinary gas burner or electric heater.
4.3.4. condenser—The condenser shall be a water-cooled, reflux glass-tube type, having a jacket not less than 400 mm (15/4 in.) in length, with an inner tube 9.5 to 12.7 mm (3/s to /2 in.) in outside diameter. The end of the condenser shall be ground to an angle of 30 ± 5° from the vertical axis of the condenser.
4.3.5. Trap—The trap shall be made of annealed glass constructed in accordance with Figure 1(c) and graduated in 0.lO-rnL divisions from 0 to 2 rnL and in O.20-mL divisions from 2 to 25 mL.
4.3.6. Solvent—Xylol or other petroleum distillate conforming to the following distillation requirements:
98 percent distills between 120 and 250°C (248 and 482°F). This distillation shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D 86.
4.3.7. Balance—Conforming to the requirements of M 231, Class G 2.
4.4. Sample:
4.4,1. Obtain a representative sample of the material as specified in T 40.
Note 1—The difficulties in obtaining representative samples for this determination are unusually great, so the importance of proper sampling cannot be too strongly emphasized.
4.5. Procedure:
4.5.1. When the material to be tested contains 25 percent or less water, place 100 ± 0.1 g of the sample in the distillation pot. When the material contains more than 25 percent water, use a 50 ± 0.1 -g sample. Thoroughly mix the sample to be tested with 200 mL of solvent by swirling, taking proper care to avoid any loss of material.
4.5.2. Connect the distillation pot, trap, and condenser by means of tight-fitting corks as shown in Figure 1(a) or 1(b). Adjust the end of the condenser in the trap to a position that will allow the end to be submerged to a depth of not more than 1 mm (0.04 in.) below the surface of the liquid in the trap after distillation conditions have been established. When using the metal distillation pot, insert a heavy paper gasket, moistened with the solvent, between the lid and flange before attaching the clamp. Insert a loose cotton plug in the top of the condenser tube to prevent condensation of atmospheric moisture.
4.5.3. When the ring burner is used with the metal distillation pot, place it about 75 mm (3 in.) above the bottom of the distillation pot at the beginning of the distillation, and gradually lower it as the distillation proceeds. AASHTO T59 pdf download.

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