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AASHTO T59-16 pdf free download

AASHTO T59-16 pdf free download.Emulsified Asphalts.
5. WATER CONTENT 5.1. Scope: 5.1.1. This test method covers the procedure for determining the water content of emulsified asphalt by reflux distillation using a water trap. 5.2. Significance and Use: 5.2.1. This test method measures the amount of water present in the emulsified asphalt, as distinguished from either asphalt material or petroleum solvent. 5.3. Apparatus and Materials: 5.3.1. Metal Distillation Pot- -The metal distillation pot [Figure 1(a)] shall be a vertical cylindrical vessel, preferably made of copper, having a faced flange at the top to which the head is tightly attached by means of a clamp. The head shall be made of metal, preferably brass or copper, and shall be provided with a tubulation 25.4 mm (1 in.) in inside diameter. 5.3.2. Glass Distillation Pot- The glass distillation pot [Figure 1(b)] shall be a short-neck, round-bottom flask, made of well-annealed glass, and having an approximate capacity of 500 mL. 5.3.3. Heat Source- -The heat source used with the metal distillation pot shall be a ring gas burner of 100-mm (4-in.) inside diameter or an electric mantle heater. The heat source for the glass distillation pot shall be either an ordinary gas burner or electric heater. 5.3.4. Condenser- The condenser shall be a water-cooled, reflux glass-tube type, having a jacket not less than 400 mm (15*/4 in.) in length, with an inner tube 9.5 to 12.7 mm(/s to /2 in.) in outside diameter. The end of the condenser shall be ground to an angle of 30 degrees +5 degrees from the vertical axis of the condenser.5.3.5. Trap- The trap shall be made of annealed glass constructed in accordance with Figure 1(c) and graduated in 0.10-mL divisions from 0 to 2 mL and in 0.20-mL divisions from2 to 25 mL. 5.3.6. Solvent- -Xylol or other petroleum distillate conforming to the following distillation requirements: 98 percent distills between 120 and 250°C (248 and 482°F). This distillation shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D86. 5.3.7. Balance- Conforming to the requirements of M 231, Class G 2. 5.4. Sample: 5.4.1. Obtain a representative sample of the material as specified in R 66. Note 3- The difficulties in obtaining representative samples for this determination are unusually great, so the importance of proper sampling cannot be too strongly emphasized.6.3.2. Connection Apparatus- Consisting of a glass connecting tube, tin shield, and water-cooled glass condenser of the West or Liebig type with a borosilicate glass or metal jacket and a suitable adapter between the condenser and a 100-mL graduated cylinder, all with dimensions as shown in Figure 4. 6.3.3. Graduated Cylinder- 100-mL capacity with graduation intervals of 1.0 mL. Note 5- Larger cylinders may be used if a product’s distillate exceeds 100 mL. 6.3.4. Thermometers- -Two of the following thermometers, graduated either in Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees and having a range that includes -2 to +300°C (30 to 580°F). For materials that distill at lower temperature ranges, the range of the thermometers shall include the range of temperature expected to be encountered during the distillation (see Table 2). The thermometers shall be constructed such that they can be positioned in the manner described in Section 6.4.3. A liquid-in-glass total immersion thermometer of suitable range with subdivisions and maximum scale error of 1°C (2°F).which conforms to the requirements of ASTM E1, such as an ASTM 7C (7F). Calibrate the thermometer in accordance with one of the methods in ASTM E77 or verify its original calibration at the ice point Note 6). A thermometer with an extended stem of approximately 305 mm (12 in.) that conforms to the range and subdivision requirements of ASTM E1 is also permitted. Note 6- ASTM E563 provides instruction on the preparation and use of an ice-point bath as a reference temperature. If the thermometer does not read 0.0土1.0°C (32.0土2.0°F) at the ice-point then the thermometer should be recalibrated.AASHTO T59-16  pdf download.

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