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AASHTO T84-00 pdf free download

AASHTO T84-00 pdf free download.Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate.
6.1. Obtain approximately one kilogram of the fine aggregate from the sample using the applicable procedures described in T 248.
6.1.1. Dry it in a suitable pan or vessel to constant mass at a temperature of 110 ± 5°C (230 ± 9°F). Allow it to cool to comfortable handling temperature, cover with water, either by immersion or by the addition of at least 6-percent moisture to the fine aggregate and permit to stand for 15 to 19 hours.
6.1.2. As an alternative to Section 6.1.1, where the absorption and specific gravity values are to be used in proportioning concrete mixtures with aggregates used in their naturally moist condition, the requirement for initial drying to constant mass may be eliminated and, if the surfaces of the particles have been kept wet, the 15-hour soaking may also be eliminated.
Note 1—Values for absorption and for specific gravity in the saturated surface-dry condition may be significantly higher for aggregate not oven dried before soaking than for the same aggregate treated in accordance with Section 6.1.1.
6.2. Decant excess water with care to avoid loss of fines, spread the sample on a flat nonabsorbent surface exposed to a gently moving current of warm air, and stir frequently to secure homogeneous drying. If desired, mechanical aids such as tumbling or stirring may be employed to assist in achieving the saturated surface-dry condition. As the material begins to dry sufficiently, it may be necessary to work it with the hands in a rubbing motion to break up any conglomerations, lumps, or balls of material that develop. Continue this operation until the test specimen approaches a free-flowing condition. Follow the procedure in Section 6.2.1 to determine whether or not surface moisture is present on the constituent fine aggregate particles. It is intended that the first trial of the cone test will be made with some surface water in the specimen. Continue drying with constant stirring, and if necessary, work the material with a hand-rubbing motion, and test at frequent intervals until the test indicates that the specimen has reached a surface-dry condition. If the first trial of the surface moisture test indicates that moisture is not present on the surface, it has been dried past the saturated surface-dry condition. In this case, thoroughly mix a few milliliters of water with the fine aggregate and permit the specimen to stand in a covered container for 30 minutes. Then resume the process of drying and testing at frequent intervals for the onset of the surface-dry condition.
6.2.1. Cone Test for Surface Moisture—Hold the mold firmly on a smooth nonabsorbent surface with the large diameter down. Place a portion of the partially dried fine aggregate loosely in the mold by filling until overflow occurs and heaping additional material above the top of the mold by holding it with the cupped fingers of the hand holding the mold. Lightly tamp the fine aggregate into the mold with 25 light drops of the tamper. Each drop should start about 5 mm (0.2 in.) above the top surface of the fine aggregate. Permit the tamper to fall freely under gravitational attraction on each drop. Adjust the starting height to the new surface elevation after each drop and distribute the drops over the surface. Remove loose sand from the base and lift the mold vertically. If surface moisture is still present, the fine aggregate will retain the molded shape. When the fine aggregate slumps slightly, IL indicates that it has reached a surface-dry condition. Some angular fine aggregate or material with a high proportion of fines may not slump in the cone test upon reaching a surface-dry condition. This may be the case if fines become airborne upon dropping a handful of the sand from the cone test 100 to 150 mm onto a surface. For these materials, the saturated surface-dry condition should be considered as the point that one side of the fine aggregate slumps slightly upon removing the mold.AASHTO T84-00 pdf download.

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