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AASHTO TAMG-1 pdf free download

AASHTO TAMG-1 pdf free download.American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Transportation asset management represents a strategic approach to managing transportation infrastructure assets. It focuses on a department of transportation’s (DOT) business processes for resource allocation and utilization with the objective of better decision-making based upon quality information and well-defined objectives. Recognizing its growing importance to transportation agencies worldwide, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) in 1998 adopted asset management as a strategic initiative, and formed a Task Force to develop and implement a Strategic Plan for Transportation Asset Management) This NCHRP Project 20-24(11) has completed several tasks in the AASHTO Strategic Plan:
Task 2-1-1 — Identify and document the state-of- the-art in asset management, specifically applicable to the state departments of transportation.
., Task 2-2-1 — Identify and document the state-of- the-practice in asset management among the AASHTO member states.
r Task 2-3-1 – Identify knowledge and technology gaps and define future research projects.
Task 2-4-1 – Propose a generic framework for transportation asset management that can he adopted by member states to meet their individual needs.
Task 5-1-1 – Develop an AASHTO Guide for Transportation Asset Ma nageinen t.
The value of asset management will be reflected in its outcomes and benefits to transportation agencies and their customers. The key principles of asset management represent a way of doing business – a perspective that a department can adopt in looking at its current procedures and seeing how better decisions on infrastructure management can be made with better information. The goals of asset management are to:
Build, preserve, and operate facilities more cost- effectively with improved asset performance;
Deliver to an agency’s customers the best value for the public tax dollar spent; and
r Enhance the credibility and accountability of the transportation agency to its governing executive and legislative bodies.
Asset management can touch nearly every aspect of a transportation agency’s business, including planning, engineering, finance, programming, construction, maintenance, and information systems. Asset management should not be viewed, however, as yet another new program, requiring another new bureaucracy. Rather, asset management is a bbway of doing business.” It brings a particular perspective to how an agency conducts its existing procedures, reaches decisions, and applies its IT capabilities. It suggests principles and techniques to apply in policymaking, planning, project selection, program tradeoffs, program delivery, data gathering, and management system application. This Guide is designed to help you identify where improvements in these processes can be made, and to suggest ideas and methods to do so. It will enable you to answer the following questions:
‘ How can your agency improve the way it currently is managing its assets?
Are current and planned initiatives sufficient, or do they require modification, addition, or redirection?
What approaches may work well in your agency or have worked well in other agencies similar to yours?
The benefits of asset management may be seen in many different ways, depending upon an agency’s transportation system, management philosophy, and current resources and priorities. Following are some possible outcomes when an agency takes action to improve its asset management practices:
Lower long-term costs for infrastructure preserva Lion;
Improved performance and service to customers;AASHTO TAMG-1 pdf download.

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