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AASHTO TP 113-15 pdf free download

AASHTO TP 113-15 pdf free download.Determination of Asphalt Binder Resistance to Ductilel Failure Using Double-Edge-Notched Tension (DENT) Test.
4. APPARATUS 4.1. Testing Apparatus- A constant rate of displacement device capable of maintaining displacement at rates of 100土2.5 mm/min (4土0.1 in./min). The maximum stroke for the instrument(s) shall be 1000 mm (39.5 in.) or greater. The apparatus shall have a set of loading pins that ensure precise alignment of the sample during the test. The apparatus shall be able to determine displacement to an accuracy of土0.05 mm (土0.002 in.). Note 1- -The DENT testing apparatus is commonly a force-ductility apparatus installed in a ductilometer. 4.2. Load Sensor- -The sensitivity of the load sensor and recording electronics shall allow the load, P, to be measured every 0.3 s during the test with an accuracy of at least土1 percent. The load sensor shall be capable of measuring a nominal maximum force of up to 133 N (30 lbf). 4.3. Temperature-Controlled Bath for Testing- -The bath shall be large enough to contain the testing apparatus and samples in their molds prior to testing under 25 mm (1 in.) of water. The equipment shall be capable of maintaining the water at the testing temperature to an accuracy of at least +0.5°C (0.9°F). . 4.4. Temperature-Controlled Bath for Conditioning- -A bath capable of maintaining a minimum of 25 mm (1 in.) of water over the sample at the conditioning temperature requirements to within +0.5°C (0.99F). Typically, the temperature controlled bath for testing is utilized. 4.5. Metal Stirring Rod- Stick capable of sirring the hot asphalt binder vigorously. 4.6. Base Plates- The base plates shall be made of non-absorbent material of sufficient thickness to prevent deformation and of a sufficient size to hold from one to three molds, but still able to fit in the temperature-controlled bath for conditioning. The plate shall be uniformly flat to ensure that the bottom surfaces of each mold will touch it throughout.4.7 Mold- Consists of two end pieces for each sample and a silicone mold. Note 2- User agencies and asphalt binder suppliers may agree on an all metal design for the molds provided it does not deviate from the dimensions and tolerances given. 4.7.1. Silicone Mold- Consists of a silicone mold with the dimensions shown in Figure 1 with capability of forming three samples.
5. PREPARATION OF SAMPLES 5.1. Preparation of Apparatus- Place the mold on the base plate and insert the DENT end pieces. 5.2. Six samples shall be prepared using PAV-aged asphalt binder, two for each ligament length of 15, 10, and 5 mm (0.60, 0.40, and 0.20 in.) by ftting each of the three pairs of inserts firmly within their recessed positions in the silicone molds. 5.2.1. Asphalt binder shall be aged according to T 240 (RTFO) and R 28 (PAV). The aged asphalt binder shall then be heated for 1 h at 160土5°C (320土9°F) to ensure that the material readily flows when dispensed from the container into the prepared molds. Note 3- The heating temperature may be raised to a maximum of 180°C (356°F) to provide a low-enough viscosity, but the sample material shall not be overheated. 5.3. Prior to pouring the asphalt binder into the mold, measure and record the actual ligament length, l, to within 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). 5.4. After thorough stirring, pour the asphalt material into the mold, taking care not to entrain any air bubbles. Pour the material in a thin stream back and forth from end to end until the mold is level full. In flling the mold, take care not to disarrange the end pieces or distort the sample. Most accurate sample thicknesses are obtained by pouring the asphalt on an analytical balance at a constant weight for each specimen. Let the mold and contents cool to room temperature for 30 to 40 min, and then place the base plate and filled mold in the water bath maintained at the specified test temperature for 30 min. 5.5. Measure and record the sample thickness, B, in millimeters (inches) to 1 (4) decimal places to 0.1 mm (0.0001 in.). If the sample is flush with the mold, B will be equal to the thickness of the mold.AASHTO TP 113-15 pdf download.

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