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AASHTO TP 117-15 pdf free download

AASHTO TP 117-15 pdf free download.Determination of the Voids of Dry Compacted Filler.
2.1. ASTM Standards: . D4753, Standard Guide for Evaluating, Selecting, and Specifying Balances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rock, and Construction Materials Testing D5550, Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Gas Pycnometer E145, Standard Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-V entilation Ovens
2.2. Other: European Norm (EN) 1097-4: Determination of the voids of dry compacted filler
3.1. Definitions:
3.1.1. air voids- volume of space in a filler occupied by air. 3.1.2. filler- aggregate passing a 0.075-mm sieve.
4.1. This test allows for measuring the percent volume of free asphalt a filler can carry using the Rigden apparatus. 5. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE
5.1. This test allows for measuring the percent of voids in compacted filler that can be used in determination of the volume of free asphalt a filler can carry.
6.1.7. Depth Caliper or Dial Gauge—Used to measure compacted filler height. Minimum resolution of
0.01 mm.
6.1.8. Balance—Required to have a minimum capacity of 100 g with minimum accuracy of ±0.2 g and Type I Readability of 0.01 g. A balance classified as GP2 in ASTM D4753 meets these requirements.
6.1.9. Forced-Draft Oven—Capable of maintaining temperatures of at least 110 ± 3°C. Ovens designated as Type hA or Type IIB in ASTM E145 meet this requirement.
7.1. The test requires use of dry mineral filler. To ensure that there is no remaining moisture in the filler, spread at least 50 grams of filler in an appropriate-sized vessel and dry in a forced-draft oven at a temperature of 110 ± 5°C. Monitor sample mass at regular intervals and continue drying until a constant mass has been achieved, as indicated by no change in mass after consecutive readings taken at an interval of at least one hour.
7.2. After constant mass is achieved, remove the filler from the oven and allow it to cool to room temperature prior to testing. It is estimated that it is necessary to wait at least 90 mm to allow filler to cool prior to testing.
8.3. Determine the zero height, ho by using the caliper to measure the height of the cylinder from the top of the dropping block to the filter paper at the bottom. Three measurements spaced approximately 90 degrees apart should be made. The average height of these three readings is designated as ho. This step is depicted in Figure 3.
8.5. Place a circular piece of paper or other vessel on the balance. Add 10 ± 1 g of mineral filler and pour into the dropping block cylinder by rolling the piece of paper or using a funnel. Ensure the filler is distributed evenly throughout the cylinder by tapping the side of the dropping block.
8.6. Place the filter paper in the dropping block cylinder on top of the filler, and insert the plunger. While inserting the plunger, monitor the sides of the dropping block cylinder to ensure that all filler stays below the filter paper and does not migrate up the side of the dropping block cylinder. If filler is lost, the sample must be discarded and a new sample prepared.
8.7. Seat the plunger into the dropping block cylinder by applying a slight downward force. Apply sufficient force at a slow rate to seat the plunger and maintain the integrity of the sample.
8.8. Place the dropping block cylinder between the pilot bars on the base plate and raise to contact the upper stop. Raise the dropping block only to make contact; do not raise it in a fashion that exerts a significant force on the upper stop. During compaction, the apparatus shall be securely clamped or screwed onto a sturdy, non-flexible, and even base (see Figure 5).AASHTO TP 117-15 pdf download.

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